Testimonials & Contact Us

We've always said that we stand by the quality and efficacy of our products. So it makes us proud to get quality and consistent results like we do with our one of a kind products again and again with a range made only from 100% plant extracts.

It means a lot to us on a personal level when people get in touch and let us know how our products helped them or a loved one. It's the whole reason why we started sharing our products. 

So please, get in touch with us at the bottom of the page if you have any results to share. However small or insignificant, you'd be surprised how many other people have a similar situation to you. It really is the whole reason we started our journey, to hear how our unique products that we've spent so much time perfecting has helped you or a loved one.



" Thank you Thank you Thank you, I have finally found something that gets rid of headlice and their eggs. I have tried so many different products but they don't work. The best thing about this product is that it is all natural and can't hurt my children. They didn't even complain about having it in their hair which is half the battle.
Anita A


" Many thanks for your samples. I must say it is a pleasure to deal with you and your values and ethics. The products have great integrity so it is easier to recommend them in front of others and the prices are more than competitive. "
Steve W
Maroochydore QLD


 " Both my daughter and I have been battling bad skin cracks on hands and feet for many years (especially during the winter months). Having tried endless remedies to date nothing has worked and we are very cautious about different 'cures'. Lady Luck must have been looking over my daughter the day she was advised to try your magic healing ointment. She has been using it regularly and her skin is responding so well. She gave me some to try and after just four applications I can see a lot of difference already on my feet, hands and it is really great after shaving. Thank you for such a great ointment. We have several people that we can recommend this product to. "
David K
Biggenden QLD

  " I was reluctant to get in touch but I thought this was worth a share.. I've always had trouble with chafe and it can get quite bad to the point where its painful and the skin goes raw. Tried a few products off the chemist shelf, and they do help to a degree - but it always takes a good week or so for it to go away. I used your skin shield cream after being recommended it and two things happened. 1) free from the itch and pain, couldn't even feel it was there and 2) completely healed in 2 days. Couldn't believe it -- Massive difference just after 1 day. I just wish someone put me onto you guys sooner. Cheers " 



" I am a dairy farmer and have suffered from rough hands all my life. I have tried many different creams however none have been 100% successful. They have helped only. So I thought lets try one more. This product has done for my hands what no other product has ever done. Hence we want some more. "
Don & Val M
Peak Crossing, QLD


" We found your product to be excellent! As a Nurse I always have problems keeping my hands soft and moisturized with the constant hand washing. My hands feel great and it doesn't leave my hands feeling greasy like other creams. I have passed this onto other Nurses who have also tried it and they love it too! I look forward to placing our next order. Thank you. "
Arlene K
Gladstone, QLD


" I thank you so for your head lice treatment. My daughter's hair was so bad and so many eggs I did repeat a couple of times but it worked. Thanking you. 
Rita L


" James has had eczema since he was 6 months old. He has it on his scalp, behind his ears and around his nose (which can be quite embarrassing for a 14 year old boy). We have been from one specialist to another and been given so many creams and lotions I've lost count. They either don't work or only work for a short period of time and your back to square one again. We are beginning to see some good results. Once again thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to try your product. "
Vicki S



